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About Elena's design

Our Vision

Welcome to Elenas’s Design Studio. Photography is created in order to capture the most important moments of your life and the lives of your family members. Our photos capture those momentous events and times of your life and your family: Start of school, Graduation, School Plays and Events, Weddings, Anniversaries, and Birthdays all preserved in a professional manner by Elena’s Design. You can have these and many other wonderful memories preserved as they were at the moment they occurred. These memories will resound for many years to come and will remain a vivid reminder of those precious moments!

We offer a number professional services for recording family events, portraits in the home, romantic interludes, childrens movies and many other events. These make the perfect gift for your family to enjoy a memorable event for many years to come, with our high quality photos make the events appear in frame as if they occurred yesterday! Our photos capture those momentous events and times of your life and your family: Start of school, Graduation, School Plays and Events, Weddings, Anniversaries, and Birthdays.

Elena Suzuki is the primary photographer at Elena’s Design. You can register for a photo shoot today by registering for services by email or by phone. We try to answer all of your questions, listen to your photographic needs and help you to get the image which matches your intent. To contact Elena’s Design, call or write to us.











その答えは、Photography by  Elenas’s Designで見つけていただけます!







• ピアノや、マントルピースを暖かい家族写真で飾りたいでしょうか?あなたとご家族の写真に写す出張撮影についてご相談ください。

• お子様がどんどん成長し、その感動的な瞬間を写真に残したいお客様のために、子供撮影を行います。

• 新しい人生が誕生する期待に満ち溢れた妊娠の時期。素敵な写真無くして、その瞬間を見逃すのは余りに、もったいないでしょう。妊婦さんの写真は、ずっとよいメモリーであり続けます!

• 赤ちゃんが生まれました?おめでとうございます!あの小さな子はあっという間に成長し、大人になります。それまでに、是非お写真を頼んでいただればと思います。あなたを喜ばせる素敵な写真を撮れます。

• 肖像画は、私の得意なジャンルの一つです。悲しみと無限な幸せ、希望と愛情、喜びと知恵。。。肖像画は人間の幅広い感情を伝えます。

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